Western Orthopaedics
- Owner Name: Dr. Pavitar Sunner Address: 21 Memorial Avenue Merrylands Sydney, NSW 2160 Phone Number: (02) 4731 8466 Website URL: https://westernorthopaedics.com.au/ Business Email: info@westernorthopaedics.com.au Operating Hours: Monday to Friday: 8am – 5pm Saturday: 8am – 12pm Sunday: Closed Keywords: Orthopedic, orthopedic surgeon, hip surgery, knee surgery, orthopaedic surgeon, knee replacement surgery Description: Orthopedic Clinic with the best orthopedic surgeon. surgery Western orthopedic Sydney has knee and Hip orthopaedic surgery specialist for you as Dr. Pavitar Sunner. Free Consultation! As an ever-evolving practice, our Western Orthopaedics team has incorporated computer navigation in knee replacement surgery. We specialise in shoulder stabilisations, hip arthroscopy, arthroscopic knee reconstructions and rotator cuff repairs of the shoulder.
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