• Northern Car Removal

  • Northern Car Removal
  • Website https://northerncarremoval.com.au Address – 1/26 Acacia St Glenroy, VIC 3046 Phone 0437773905 Business Email info@northerncarremoval.com.au Owner name David Ramuzi Description – At Melbourne Northern Car Removal, we pay the highest amount for your car all around Melbourne. We are based in Melbourne, Victoria, but we cover all the areas in Victoria. We buy your car by paying you instant $$$ up to $10,000 and tow your car away for FREE. We work around the clock 24×7 and whenever you want to get your car out, we will be there. We are part of Local Auto Recycling Pty Ltd, a group of car enthusiasts dedicated to reducing the environmental impact motoring. When vehicles exceed their usefulness, they become a complex collection of elements, of which some are toxic. So we remove cars around Melbourne and recycle them. By recycling, reusing, refining and reassigning we can reduce the total output of waste from hundreds of kilograms to less than 2 kilograms. Category Auto Wrecker, Car R
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